Leprous – The Cloak

Jeg har mange favorittband, for jeg har tross alt hørt på musikk siden tidlig/midten av 80-tallet. Mr. Music var gøy. 😉

I senere år var gleden stor da jeg oppdaget Leprous sitt album Coal på Bandcamp.com. Jeg har sjeldent vært en stor fan av tekster, men heller hvordan vokalen fungerer som et instrument, men det er unntak.

Leprous er et band hvor dette er tilfellet. Ofte er det dype og veldig personlige tekster fra Einar, som fronter bandet. Jeg har mine egne demoner, og er tydeligvis ikke alene om det.

Ta for eksempel dette sitatet fra The Cloak, som er fra albumet Coal.

Drink a cup of emptiness
Tame the storm, in your head 
Put a lid on your memories 
Fighting darkness, with hollowness

I senere år har Raphael Weinroth-Browne bidratt i stor grad med cello, og gir en ekstra dypde til Leprous.

Denne videoen er ikke fra Coal, men… wow!

Leprous – Below

Nytt wordpress theme

Jeg kommer til å endre temaet for korp.no til noe mer moderne. Jeg har funnet et “premium” tema, og kan forhåpentligvis gå over til det snart.

The Damned – Machine Gun Etiquette (1979)

Jeg mener å huske at The Damned var et av de aller første punk rock bandene, og også et av de første som spilte såkalt gothic rock.

Ett av mine favorittalbum gjennom tidene, og den abolutte favoritten når det gjelder punk rock, er Machine Gun Etiquette av nevnte band. Utgitt i 1979.

Hele albumet er helt konge. Hvis jeg velge en favorittsang så er det Anti-Pope.

YouTube: The Damned – Anti-Pope


Ett av mine favorittband gjennom tidene er Powermad, som opprinnelig er fra Minneapolis, USA. Thrash/speed metal på sitt beste!

De ga ut en EP og ett album siste halvdel av 80-tallet. Omtrent 25 år senere kom de med et nytt album, som også er helt der oppe. Favoritten vil dog for alltid være Absolute Power fra 1989, med Nice Dreams som en ekstremt bra “hit-låt”.

Tegneserien Tommy & Tigern

Tommy & Tigern, eller Calvin & Hobbes, er en av mine favorittegneserier. Ikke minst pga. en veldig bra oversettelse til norsk.

Etter at jeg ble en del eldre begynte jeg å lese den originale tegneserien på engelsk. Det som slo meg er hvor voksen teksten til den originale serien er, mot den norske som er mer tilrettelagt for barn. Når det er sagt så er begge variantene veldig bra på hver sin måte.

Jeg tok meg friheten å redigere denne litt, for å gjøre den ekstra voksen. På norsk hadde jeg nok valgt “Faen”. 😁

Her er originalen:

World of Warcraft: Dragonflight (release day)

The two previous expansions for World of Warcraft, Battle for Azeroth and Shadowlands, has both been huge disappointments.

I always try to avoid information about the next expansion to have a fairly untouched mind when it’s released. It’s impossible to avoid everything though, but that’s okay really, and some of the things I’ve seen and hears looks sweet!

I sleep and are awake several times every day/night, and the timing to wake up now was pretty good since the release of Dragonflight was only a couple of hours ago.

However, the release of a new expansion is never streamlined, and nor is it this time. 🙂

If anything, Blizzard always make sublime cinematics for launches, and this one is not an exception. Check it out:

World of Warcraft: Dragonflight – Launch cinematic

World of Warcraft: Some character screenshots, and their names

I’ve been playing this game since 2007 (I think it is), and I still do. I take some breaks now and then, but I play it fairly often.

For historic reasons I thought maybe it’s time for a few screenshots of some of my characters. Mostly because of their mogs, and some for their names. I will also have a quick explanation for their names if there’s a point to it.

I haven’t done many screenshots since I got a new gaming PC, so the graphics are much better than it used to either way.


Blood Elf Demon Hunter: There’s demon – and there’s…
Vulpera Death Knight: Cniht is Old English writing for Knight
Undead Warlock: Infuriator is the name of a song by the Swedish band RAM. I consider this character to be my main Horde
Undead Mage: Vooligan is in relation with the Australian band Karnivool. I actually have a hat from them with that word on hit. I guess Vooligans are fans of the band, and is a wordplay on Hooligans
Vulpera Warlock: Frehley is a tip of the hat to Ace Frehley (a founding member of the band Kiss). I’m not a huge fan of Kiss, but Ace Frehley rules


Gnome Warrior: Kebabnissen. It’s hard to explain this name. It’s just a funny one. Kebab is the tasty dish, and Nissen can be translated to gnome I guess
Kul Tiran Druid: Deathstimate is the name of a song by Therapy?
Gnome Mage: Hellbelly is the name of a song by Therapy? too
Mechagnome Monk: Cybertron (Primus) is the home planet of the Transfomers
Gnome Warlock: Astroneer is a game I play from time to time. It’s my go to game for relaxation. This character was and was supposed to be named Astronaut. He was before I moved him to a different realm, where that name was taken. I consider this character to be my main

There we go, a little overview of some of my characters. Not all are level 60 yet, and I have close to 50 characters overall. Some are very low level though.

ListenBrainz: My year in music

I started using ListenBrainz instead of Last.fm this year, and I’m quite happy with it. It’s free and is easy to use I’d say.

Here are some of my stats from 2021, and honestly, the pictures below don’t show it all for sure. There are so much more with about the same playtime as those listed.

I also stream via YouTube Music, and those stats aren’t shown here. If they were, The Open up and Bleeds would most likely top everything. 🤘🏻The album Nocturne by Vangelis is my go to nighty-night music, so that would also be way up there.

With that being said, I really like everything in the pictures, and the full stats can be viewed here:
