Vinyl, kassetter, CD-er, MiniDisc, og digitale tjenester – del 1 av 2

Jeg har egentlig aldri likt vinyl, jeg foretrakk kassetter back in the day. Når CD-en endelig kom, var det aldri noen konkurranse lenger. MiniDisc var utrolig bra, og et format jeg digger. Det er synd det aldri kom nok musikk i det formatet, så CD-er ble hovedgreia.

I dag kjøper jeg digitalt, og aller helst via Noen ganger tyr jeg til, men de er ofte temmelig dyre. En god del større slipp er dog kun å få tak i der, eller iallfall ikke på Bandcamp.

HDtracks har fått en del ny-utgivelser av Scorpions sine album, noen av dem, men ikke alle. Scorpions er ett av mine favorittband, men det går stort sett i albumene fra 80- og tidlig 90-tallet. De var også det første bandet jeg så live i Oslo Spektrum (supp.: Winger).

Scorpions har for øvrig ett av svært få live album jeg liker, og det er et album jeg kjøpte nå. World Wide Live er dessuten et album jeg hadde på både vinyl og kassett, når jeg tenker meg om.

Kanskje ikke den beste låta, men her er Loving You Sunday Morning.

Concert: London Grammar – Livestreaming Californian Soil

I’ve been listening more and more to London Grammar, which is in a genre (indie pop) I never really listen to unless it’s on the radio or in a movie/TV-show.

Their new album was released yesterday, and they had a release concert on YouTube with an after party for YouTube’s Premium members. I fell asleep so I missed the whole thing, but it’s still available.

I saw it a bit earlier, and it’s a well-oiled machinery behind this concert. Great musicians, production, and it looked really nice overall. The music was in focus of course, and the new album is amazing. The singles released prior to the album have all been damn fine.

Check out the concert here:

Concert: Madrugada

I put this video on YouTube quite quickly after the concert, but I’ve had some issues with and kinda forgot to share it here. Hopefully my site issues has been resolved now, I will do a QC later.

Madrugada had a reunion tour celebrating the fantastic album that is Industrial Silence (1999). On December 7th 2019 it was their first of four concerts in Oslo, and it was awesome.

Madrugada was and has always been a great live band, where the music is the main thing. They certainly played around with some lighting and Sivert Høyem is wearing his discoball-jacket, but the music is their true strong point. We’re all missing Robert Burås of course, but Cato Thomassen is a brilliant guitarist and is filling the big shoes after Robert masterfully. I also saw him with Madrugada when they played at Oslo Spektrum in 2008, so I know he is capable and then some.

As for this video, it’s the first song of the concert, Vocal, and unfortunately the audio is a bit messed up. Still, it’s a long one, and the audio is quite okay and sometimes pretty good even… so I decided to upload it.

Concert: Muse

Muse plays alternative rock music made for huge stadiums and arenas, and the show itself is beyond awesome: Animations, lightning, lasers, and plenty of other things to keep your senses occupied. They played 25 songs and the concert lasted for about 2 hours, but it felt more like 30 minutes.

This time I went to Copenhagen, Denmark to see them and get some other stuff done. The concert was fantastic, and everything else was really great too. Good times! 🙂

For this video I had recorded both Supermassive Black Hole and The 2nd Law: Unsustainable (an instrumental song). Both spectacular tracks in their own way, and very different at the same time. I decided to include both in my YouTube video, because I like them both.

Check out everything Muse at, and support the band by buying their music and merch from their Store.

The setlist for the entire concert can be seen here on

I saw Muse in Oslo, Norway in 2016 too, and here’s a collection of clips from that concert:

Concert: John Fogerty

Why not do something different and see John Fogerty, the man behind the music of Creedence Clearwater Revival (CCR), when he’s visiting Oslo?

Yeah! I waited for tickets to be released and managed to get two really good seats at an affordable price, and with that I got my sister a birthday present as well. 🙂

The concert was a July 4th so that added a little something extra to the concert too. They had a ripping good version of the US national anthem.

Overall I had plenty of fun, and the ca. 2 hours of music went by in no-time. It sure was a hit parade with many well-known songs, mostly from the CCR-era, but he also did a bunch of kick-ass cover songs.

The complete setlist from this concert can be seen here:…

Go check out his tour and attend a concert if you can, or get some of his awesome merch:

Unfortunately he’s done with touring in Europe for now, but one can hope he’ll come back soon. 🙂

Concert: The Dogs

Due to some health issues I’ve put everything on hold… including concerts. Thankfully I think maybe I have gotten on top of those health things now, and I have started going to concerts again. 😀

It began with John Fogerty in July, but a video has not been added to YouTube yet. I’ve had some issues with my video editor as well, and figured them out just now. A video will appear tomorrow… at the latest.

Anway, yesterday was my 44th birthday, and I celebrated by going to see The Dogs who were playing at a local festival. I’ve only seen videos before and heard stories, so it was about time I experienced these guys live myself. It was awesome… and cold, so I didn’t stay for the entire show. Still what I saw was beyond awesome, and I will definitely catch these guys again sometime.

Check out their merch, music, and everything else on Facebook and their homepage.

This video is in 2160p resolution (a.k.a. 4K)! 🙂

Concert: Myrkur – Bonden og Kragen

Audience: Approx. 300
Support: Jo Quail
Venue: John Dee, Oslo, Norway

Here’s the song “Bonden og Kragen” by Myrkur from her concert in Oslo last night:

The concert, which is most likely going to be my last of 2018, was of the two-sided kind. The first half hour or so consisted of folk songs, and after that it was a more varied repertoire.

This song is from the folk song part of the concert, and while I was standing pretty okay my camera was not happy, hence the shitty video quality. The audio is pretty good though.

Also, Myrkur released an offical video for this song today as well – watch it here:

It’s worth noting that Jo Quail are opening up for Myrkur on this tour, so if you’re going to any of the remaining concerts you should go there early and listen to what Jo can do with her cello. It was fantastic stuff! 🙂

If you want to support Myrkur go buy all her stuff at her Bandcamp page.

Also, check her website for all things Myrkur at her own personal webpage.

Jo Quail is also on Bandcamp, and you can stream her music there if you want to know her better.


Concert: Ne Obliviscaris & Astrosaur

Audience: Approx. 300
Support: Ihsahn (main band)
Venue: Sticky Fingers, Gothenburg, Sweden

Ne Obliviscaris (NeO) are, as I write this, on a European tour with Ihsahn and Astrosaur. I decided to drive down to Gothenburg and back home again on the opening night of the tour.

I’ve seen both NeO and Astrosaur live before, but the main reason I took this trip was to see NeO. I saw them in Paris in 2016, and they’ve only been to Norway (or nearby) once after that… a concert I missed even.

Seeing them again though was awesome as always, they really are a professional band. I managed to watch Ihsahn play a couple of songs, but I really had to leave so I could get home at a reasonable time. Fortunately I saw both Ihsahn and Emperor at the Inferno Festival back in April, so I was okay with skipping them this time.

I am a Patreon-supporter of Ne Obliviscaris. Go check them out there and consider joining in if you really like the band. You get a lot of behind the scene stuff, announcements about tours and what not , and other things before it’s released to the public. You can also get a chance to buy special merch for Patreon only, and often a head start on regular merch too:

All their albums are available on Bandcamp:

Concert: Heilung (excerpts)

Audience: Approx. 1800
Support: None.
Venue: DR Koncerthuset, Copenhagen, Denmark

Heilung, along with Wardruna are modern folk (or neofolk if you like) bands I listen to a lot. I haven’t seen Wardruna live yet, but I was so lucky to catch the frontman, Einar Selvik, having a small lecture and playing some songs about a year ago. I wrote a few words about that experience too.

A couple of weeks ago I finally got to see Heilung live, or the ritual as it is a more fitting term for what I experienced. 🙂

This photo gives you an idea of the venue, DR Koncerthuset, the stage is in the middle and people sit around the stage. Every person in the audience are kinda close to everything that is happening and the sound is really good too.

I didn’t get to record one whole song this time, but instead I did a few excerpts of several songs. The part at 2:58 was particularly awesome live!

Heilung has released a full concert video (see below) on their YouTube-channel. Go check it out! Also, check out their bandcamp page, stream their music and buy their albums. 🙂

Concert: Sólstafir, Myrkyr, Árstíðir

I was lucky to see three bands I really, REALLY like in one single evening. I’ve been listening to Sólstafir, Myrkur and Árstíðir for quite some time via Bandcamp. Myrkur and Sólstafir was announced at first, and that’s when I got the ticket, and suddenly Árstíðir was added to the bill as well. An amazing evening I won’t forget anytime soon.

I don’t know what the light was all about, but my phonecam was definitely not fond of it. Music is what matters though and as always – WYSIWYG!

Árstíðir plays very laid back and soothing pop/rock with high quality musicianship, and I’ve even crowdfunded these guys at some point. Although they sing plenty of songs in Icelandic they also sing in English.

Buy all their music on Bandcamp:

Myrkyr is doing her thing blending everything from old Scandinavian cattle calling to black metal into the cooking pot. I’ve been to several concerts with Myrkyr before and was the only one I knew live in concert until this evening. Myrkur sings songs in most Scandinavian languages in addition to English.

Buy all her music on Bandcamp:

Sólstafir is a fantastic band – and I fell for them completely ever since I found them on Bandcamp back in 2013-ish. They play post rock/psychedelic rock with their own flare, and most of the songs are in Icelandic.

Buy all their music on Bandcamp: