Jeg kommer ikke til å dele stats hver måned, men det er greit å gjøre det når jeg har spilt litt mer enn normalt.
World of Tanks – August 2023
Et spill jeg alltid kommer tilbake til er World of Tanks. Noen ganger går det ganske så ok, men også veldig ofte ikke. Dog, i løpet av en måned er det som regel ikke så verst. Her er en oppsummering av august 2023. Topp 19% er slettes ikke ille.
Rocket League – Sesong 11 champion
Egentlig spiller jeg ikke så mange forskjellige spill, og det går litt opp og ned med hvor mye jeg spiller de jeg spiller. Innimellom har jeg også temmelig lange pauser, særlig siden jeg har bestemt meg for at fomo er ut.
Rocket League er gøy, og jeg får gjerne inn noen matcher i løpet av uka. Rocket League er i prinsippet fotball med biler som også kan fly litt med booster pick-ups.
Denne gangen spilte jeg en turnering, som er en daglig greie. Selv om de skjer hver dag, og jeg prøver bare noen få ganger hver sesong, er det ikke lett å vinne.
Jeg har vunnet noen. Den siste jeg vant var i sesong 8, men jeg vant sesong 11 i går. Det var en 3vs3, og vanskelighetsgraden var Platinum. Det var en fyr på teamet som var helt vilt god.
World of Warcraft: Dragonflight (release day)
The two previous expansions for World of Warcraft, Battle for Azeroth and Shadowlands, has both been huge disappointments.
I always try to avoid information about the next expansion to have a fairly untouched mind when it’s released. It’s impossible to avoid everything though, but that’s okay really, and some of the things I’ve seen and hears looks sweet!
I sleep and are awake several times every day/night, and the timing to wake up now was pretty good since the release of Dragonflight was only a couple of hours ago.
However, the release of a new expansion is never streamlined, and nor is it this time. 🙂
If anything, Blizzard always make sublime cinematics for launches, and this one is not an exception. Check it out:
World of Warcraft: Some character screenshots, and their names
I’ve been playing this game since 2007 (I think it is), and I still do. I take some breaks now and then, but I play it fairly often.
For historic reasons I thought maybe it’s time for a few screenshots of some of my characters. Mostly because of their mogs, and some for their names. I will also have a quick explanation for their names if there’s a point to it.
I haven’t done many screenshots since I got a new gaming PC, so the graphics are much better than it used to either way.
There we go, a little overview of some of my characters. Not all are level 60 yet, and I have close to 50 characters overall. Some are very low level though.
An alternative (and real) game EULA
This is the End User Licence Agreement for the the game Double Kick Heroes on Steam. I laughed so hard when I saw this.
It’s true! You can’t kill the metal! 🤘
Word of Tanks: 18k victories
I’m not playing that much nowadays, but I play everyday still. A week ago I got this – 18.000 victories in World of Tanks.
World of Tanks: Battle journal for 2019 + Codes
Check out some of my stats for the game World of Tanks, presented in a really cool way:
World of Tanks 2019 Battle Journal
Like every xmas, wargaming are releasing a bunch of codes that gives you some in-game stuff. I have no idea how long these are valid, but I redeemed all of them just now (22.12.19 17:30 CET).
Go to this address and enter each code:
Some Pokémon achievements
I got a couple of nice achievements in Pokémon Go about a week ago. Forgot to post them here. I still play this game after all these years, but I’m not raiding (much) or anything… keeping it casual.
Max level is 40 so only 4 to go.
World of Warcraft: Patch 8.3 – Vulpera and Mechagnomes
Yes! Finally! Two new races has been announced coming with the Visions of N’zoth content patch.