My new Tier 10s in World of Tanks

So, I have decided to maybe put most of my “news things” here on my website instead of having it spread out on social media platforms so much.

I will continue to post random pictures and stuff on both Facebook and Instagram I guess, but certain things will be mainly done here at

One thing I will start posting here are gaming related posts. I’ve had a break from World of Tanks, but started playing it a bit a again a couple of weeks ago. I was lucky the conversion-to-free-xp-ratio was buffed during this time, so I converted what I had (and played a little bit) and now I have two more Tier 10 tanks. Open-mouthed smile

These are the two new ones:

WoT-Germany-T10-Pz.Kpfw. VIIWoT-Germany-T10-Pz.Kpfw.-Characteristics

WoT-Germany-T10-Rhm. PzwWoT-Germany-T10-Rhm. Pzw.-Characteristics

Here they are on the techtree, and it also shows my other Tier 10 tanks:

WoT-Germany-Techtree-7 tier 10 tanks

A while back I only needed two Tier 10s to complete the German techtree, but Wargaming did some changes so there are more tanks now. I’m back at needing two now though. Winking smile

Kebabnissen on Facebook

Go check out and like my alter ego, Kebabnissen, on Facebook. Although I will share gaming stuff here, I will mainly use the Facebook page for Kebabnissen’s endeavours. 🙂

The screenshot is of his good buddy Astronaut, because it was too cool not to share.

World of Warcraft - Astronaut