Det er løvens dag

World Lion Day er i dag. Hovedbudskapet med dagen er å øke offentlig bevissthet om bevaring og beskyttelse av løver.

Jeg kan absolutt anbefale The Lion Whisperer på YouTube. Dette er en person, Kevin Richardson, som har tatt imot løver, med samme tankesett som FOD-gården gjør med katter og hunder. Han har også noen leoparder og hyener.

Kevin har tatt vare på dyr som stort sett er reddet fra drittsekker.

Sjekk kanalen hans:

Jeg brukte Google AI’s ImageFX for å generere et bilde i anledning dagen:

The expansion of the volcano on Iceland

Update: When this is written there are now 4 fissures in total, and they are expecting more.

After my last post the volcano on Iceland has been puouring out lava, and two more fissures opened up. It has become a bit quiet after the last one opened, but it’s still activity, and there’s a chance it will increase activity again I guess.

There’s so much amazing video and photos out there, but this guy in particular got some seriously epic drone videos. I shared a video by hime earlier too. Check out his channel for more: got a constant live feeds of the volcano, and here you can watch the one with a view from Meradalir:

Right now you can see the three fissuresm in the above live feed, which I shared in my previous post too. The fissure one on the right is the original one, the one on the left is the second, and the middle one is the latest (for now).

Here’s another live cam from This is the one with a view from Geldingadalir, and it shows the main fissure which looks a bit like a classic volcano now:

An active volcano on Iceland

As many of you probably know by now, there’s an active volcano on Iceland. It’s not a huge one (atm), which is good in many ways, but also for the fact that we get a lot of sublime photos and videos from there. Some drone footage is out of this world.

I’ve been paying attention to Iceland (and others) for quite some time now. The arthquake activity has been intense with tens of thousands of earthquakes leading up to the eruption itself.

Anyway, I want to share som videos and YouTube channels that are cool – so here they are.

Let’s start with the live video from

Here’s a timelapse from the first 3 days and it shows the more or less steady flow of lava:

This is a news broadcast with interviews and some spectacular footage. Check out the lava fried hotdogs at the end:

Amazing drone videos (check out his YouTube-channel for more videos):

Speaking of live video, here’s one that collects the video feed from several volcanos around the world: